Weak Hero is a South Korean webtoon about a high school student named Gray who teams up with a mysterious student named Maru to take down a violent gang called “Lion’s Den”. The series explored themes of power, violence, and friendship, and became popular for its intense action scenes and realistic depiction of high school bullying.
Weak Hero Chapter 237 Release Date:
The latest Chapter 237 of the popular Weak Hero webcomic series is coming to an end soon, with the release date March 19-20, 2023, depending on the region. Weak Hero Chapter 237 promises to be action-packed, and the showdown between Eunjang and the Alliance finally comes to a head. Eunjang is in a tough spot, the league is ahead of them and none of their key players are on their side. However, help is provided by Wolf, a former Alliance colleague who joins Eunjang to complete some unfinished tasks.
Weak Hero Plot:
The plot of Weak Hero revolves around a high school student named Gray Yeon, who transfers to a new school and becomes involved in a violent power struggle between various student gangs.
Despite his fragile state, Gray refuses to be intimidated and teams up with a mysterious student named Maru, who is said to have gunned down countless gang leaders in the past. Together they work to take down the violent gang known as “The Lion’s Den”, while facing new challenges and dangerous enemies. The series explored themes of power, violence, and friendship and gained huge acclaim for its candid portrayals of high school bullying and its message of resisting oppression.
Fans of the series can read Weak Hero Chapter 237 on Webtoons
Weak Hero Main casts:
Main characters in the Weak Hero are:
- Gray Yeon – The main character, a sickly high school student, is embroiled in a violent power struggle between several student gangs.
- Maru – A mysterious student who is said to have defeated many gang leaders in the past and become an ally to Gray in his fight against the “Lion’s Den” gang.
- Saehee – Gray’s friend, also bullied and involved in the fight against the “Lion’s Den”.
- Jack – Leader of the “Lion’s Den” gang who uses violence and intimidation to maintain his power over the school.
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